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President's Message July 2017

Dear Brother’s: I am looking forward to seeing a good turnout for this month meeting, now that

the graduation parties have concluded.

I would like to begin with a big thank you to Father Michael Keane our Chaplin for offering the location and Memorial Mass for the Killed in Action Days of Joseph J. Duelk, Jr., and First Lt. Louis Allen. We enjoyed the company of the Knights of Columbus, Council 2079, the American Legion Post 488, The Monroe Fire District and members of the Allen family. Following the Memorial Mass, our membership went to Orange County Veterans Cemetery and then St. Mary’s R.C. Church Cemetery to lay a wreath and enjoy the tribute of our Piper Jim Kelly as he played at each soldier’s grave. A brunch was held back and the hall. We look forwarding to increasing the communities’ involvement and participation in the coming year.

Sadly this week our Division came together to offer prayers for the repose of the soul of Aidan Michael Ryan, son of Brother Teague Ryan. Aidan was a longtime member of the Orange County AOH Pipe and Drums and will be greatly missed by his parents, sisters, grandparents and band members. It was wonderful to see the support our Division and the Orange County Pipe and Drums rendered to this family during this tragic event. Please keep Aidan and his family in your prayers.

The Halfway to St. Patrick’s Day County Wide Family Picnic will be held on Saturday, September 16, 2017, during the hours of 1:00 to 5:00 PM at Fr. Donald J. Whelan – Division 2 Irish Cultural Center at 10 Hibernian Way (Off Pleasant Hill Road) Cornwall, NY. The cost is $ 10.00 per person or $ 25.00 per family, and the menu will include Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, London broil, Salads and Corn on the Cob, Soda, Beer and we will be able to enjoy Live Music and the AOH Orange County Pipe and Drum.

Our new website is coming along nicely, and major upgrades are being added to the calendar section and up-load section, and payment of dues and raffle tickets will be able to be processed shortly.

IN Motto,

Respectfully – Thomas F. Flynn, Jr., President JDJ-Division 1, Monroe, NY - AOH

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